Monday, March 5, 2012

Devon & I

 Me and my Beebs have been married for 4 years already. We met in 2006 in the library  in College Station, TX.  I was attending Blinn College for my last semester before I had enough credits to transfer to the BEST university on the planet. Texas A&M. I had seen him at Institute. If you don't know what it is: The LDS Institute of Religion...its basically a weekly bible/scripture study class).
        It is so funny because I can remember the first time I saw him. I thought, "oh good __won't say her name___ has a boy she likes." He was sitting next to the girl that I had just started dating the boy she liked. It was a relief to me because then I didn't feel so bad about dating her crush. Awkward situation... didn't last long. haha. Anywho... I was always in the library studying due to an accident I had been in that made retaining and learning difficult for me.  I knew EVERYONE of my faith for the most part in the BCS area. I saw him come in... recognized him and said... "I have seen you at institute... but I don't see you at church. Do you go to the Bryan ward?" Devon very quickly told me that he goes home on the weekends to Houston. He was only going to Blinn to get credits to transfer to BYU. I can remember what he was wearing... I remember what I was wearing. I remember our first conversational encounter very well. We talked for quite a few minutes and I immediately spilled my guts why I was 20 years old and still attending the Jr. college due to my embarrassment. Of course... I shared that learning was hard, I unfortunately had been hit by a car when I was 19, spent a year off of school "recovering"...(more from crazy than anything)... and.... the best part... the kicker... suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well. DING DING DING!  ..... so became Devon & Jesse attached at the hip.

 My husband also... two weeks before my accident in 2004 suffered a life threatening accident as well. He was electrocuted by a power-line while washing windows to save money for his mission. Both of us grateful to be alive... literally both miracles... suffered Post traumatic stress disorder from these traumatic accidents. So we connected on that level... precious, I know. Thank heaven because we immediately connected and from then on became super good buddies. Really its good that I was so self-concious about still being at Blinn and that I shared that experience with Devon. He wouldn't have kept talking to me and our friendship wouldn't have developed the way that it did. Devon had no desire to make friends, no desire to get to know people, and no desire to stay in College Station longer than he had to... including the weekends. It really is funny though... he told me, he wouldn't have talked to me even though I said hi, but right before I introduced myself... he had the feeling I had PTSD and knew he should talk to me.

   I wasn't interested in him like that at first, I had just started a relationship with someone. However, over the course of two weeks, not being able to get enough of him and having so much in common... feelings changed and I broke up with my boyfriend to spend more time guilt-free with Devon. Lots of funny stories to add to that for later, but I don't want to make this post too long.
       I will however, while I am thinking about them mention a couple... girl who barked like a dog, all nighters, Jurassic Park 3,  the same baby blankets, 4 months apart in age, both of us have ADD, named our kids before we were "dating", both sneaky night owls as little kids and should have been sleeping when everyone else in our house was awake, but instead we were both up with our Mother Goose lamp/tape players. Him eating soup not heated up.... Out of a can! Studying in west campus library, an old fling trying to tell Devon not to date me, the most AWKWARD and TERRIBLE first kiss, first disagreement with my best friend NOT over starch was about Devon, him melting my heart with how much he loved and missed his grandma, always opening my door, ordering for me, calling me as a kitty cat at 2 a.m. on weekends, crying when we got engaged because I hated the ring he picked to ask me to marry him, Chicago...(the band not the city), Cold as Ice, Sister Golden Hair surprise, getting back on a bike, bitter I never got a poem,BYU vs. A&M and the thrown spatula, chubby squirrel, PIGEON, the warmest feeling EVER when he would put his arm around me or cuddle me, my list of funny things goes on. I know what they mean, and really these are to log my memories... so that's all that matters.

    We were honestly meant for each other. There is no way that anyone could put up with my shenanigans or temper like my sweet husband. He is fabulous. I married such a hard working, good provider.  I adore him a lot even though sometimes I don't show him how much I appreciate him. And... those that know us... think we have a crazy, weird relationship. You know what, we are different. I am very passionate and wear all emotions on my sleeve, kind of embarrassing and unfortunate, but I am not Moses and my temper is not the Red Sea...(i'm not able to hold in feelings that well when I get worked up.  I am doing my best and I'm grateful Beebs puts up with me. We are a silly couple. We tell each other "you mean,"  "I don't like you, and  "go away," but its just our way of flirting. It is just what we do... and it isn't what we say... it's how we say it. It's how we flirt.
      I know my husband married me for the right reasons and wants to be married to me because he loves ME for who I am. I was my chubbiest and had the ugliest hairdo I have ever had when we finally committed to each other after months of "hanging out" all the time. I am truly blessed and grateful for such a wonderful eternal companion. We were sealed in the Houston, Texas Temple on December 28,2007. I honestly can say... our marriage/relationship gets better and better every day.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

About me...

I grew up in an itty bitty tiny community. I loved it. I had 55 people in my graduating class and a large percentage of them I had known since Kindergarten. I hung out with the same group of friends all growing up K-10... then we all started to drift apart and do our own thing. I don't keep in contact with all but 2 of them and it is very brief. Its funny how you spend the majority of your life with someone, they help you develop who you are completely, and you never imagine that you would drift apart and not be friends anymore. Luckily through Facebook I can stalk some of them and see they are still doing well, but it is not the same thing. I enjoy looking at all of their little babies, seeing their wedding photos, and actually find out what career paths they have chosen. Its interesting to me because hardly any of them have turned out to be what they planned on being all growing up.
 I often also wonder if they look at my pages and think the same things I do, and are just as curious about them as I am. Truly, each of them in their own way I grew up loving and caring about. Some especially more than others. I am glad to see when they are doing well and happy. It makes me sad when I can't track each of them down. There are of course those who purposely remain hidden. I honestly think it is so silly.
 I grew up in a farm town. Literally there was nothing surrounding us but sagebrush, a river with a few dams, a couple other small towns being at least 45 minutes away, (20 if you went as fast as I did on some roads). Honestly, small towns usually only have one cop on duty. There was a 20 mile road it was habit to ALWAYS go over a hundred on just because there was nothing to look at but sagebrush, and desert hills. You had to get there as quickly as possible, it was so boring! As an adult... I KNOW NOW... NOT A SAFE and SMART choice. But... we all know, when you are young you don't think anything will happen to you. That you are ok to just do whatever is the most convenient for you. It's later on, when the habits catch up and you pay close to, if not more than a couple thousand in speeding tickets. How easy it becomes and how unimportant it gets to go somewhere quickly.
 On that note, I am starting to think that is why old people (that shouldn't really be driving anyway), go so slow. Think about it... when you are 5... fifteen minutes seems like an eternity. When you get in college, 15 minutes! is not enough time to finish before you have to hand it in, when you are done with college, 15 minutes early, is on time to a job interview, ... point being, the older we get the shorter 15 minutes becomes. Therefore... when you get in your 75-90 range... 15 minutes is like 3 seconds! Therefore they are not in a hurry at all!!!